Empathic Resonance, LLC

adult, Child & Adolescent psychiatric Consultations & Services

Why Tele-psychiatry?

How Does it Work?

We truly believe tele-medicine is the next step beyond the progression from paper charts to electronic medical records. As we continue our advance into the digital era, Tele-medicine will become the norm in the very near future. 

(Click here for full article):

We are proud to have been pioneers in offering telepsychiatry as an option since our inception, and while the topic of the effects of this pandemic on empathy will likely be the subject of much study and debate for years to come, we remain more committed than ever to delivering the same high quality, empathy oriented services that we have become proudly known for during these hardest of times. In line with our vision, one thing remains unchanged regardless of the pandemic: we are all in this together. 


  • Please note you must have a previously scheduled appointment in place prior to starting a session
  • We only use HIPAA compliant encrypted software for secure and private video connections​
  • Fees will be collected at the time of the session, please have your credit card information ready


